Episode 8: The Explorer: Arctic flying and the CC-138 Twin Otter - Ryan

What is it like to fly over the Arctic in a twin engine aircraft? How do you succeed in competitive flight training as a group and an individual? Ryan talks about his experience flying the CC-138 Twin Otter out of Yellowknife. 

Ryan flew the Twin Otter all over the Arctic (and Antarctic!), and currently instructs at 3 Canadian Forces Flight Training School in Portage la Prairie, MB.  He has also had some civilian experience at West Jet before returning to the RCAF during the uncertainties of Covid.

Ryan talks about flying the CC-138 Twin Otter as well as his insights into the importance of teamwork both as a flight crew, but especially as a team in flight training. We’ll talk about why helping your course-mates can be one of your best tools for your own success.
Episode 8: The Explorer: Arctic flying and the CC-138 Twin Otter - Ryan
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